Week 20 – Girls on the Run


From Esther Shelton:

“You are STRONG!  You ROCK!”  Encouragement poured from the Girls On The Run (GOTR) Northeast Tennessee coaches, staff and board, family and friends, and local community supporting the girls. 

On Sunday May 15, 2011, GOTR held the spring 5k race at Milligan College celebrating the completion of the semester’s after-school program for elementary/middle school aged girls.  The GOTR program utilizes running/walking and group activities to teach the girls respect, self-esteem, click-free friendships, healthy living, smart choices, and positive images.  GOTR’s mission:  “To educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.” 

Sunday’s 3.1 mile run/ walk focused on the girls.  This non-competitive community event was the highlight event of their 12-week program.  Over 400 program-girls and 850 community men, women, and children were involved in the GOTR event.

Joining the exciting atmosphere, nine employees of Blackburn Childers & Steagall, PLC and their friends/family participated in Sunday’s GOTR event.  BCS administered the registration tables, which were constantly busy with people.   It was a good chance to utilize our financial and organizational skills to help our local community. 

We also had three “BCS Fit & Fabulous” runners/walkers, who completed the entire hilly course.  On the sidelines, we cheered for the girls and community participants. 

And the race is just the beginning.  For over two years, BCS employees and friends/family have served as GOTR Board Treasurer, race volunteers, and committee members.  Also, there are several employees interested in coaching, supporting financially, and volunteering in the future.

All photos by Spencer Hochstetler

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